Monday, September 27, 2010

Duotone September, 27nd

  Amanda is my duotone picture. I changed the levels to lighten it. I used contrast check to lighten the picture in different ways. I sharpened this picture to make amanda stand out more than the plain background. I blurred the background so that anyone who looked at this picture would be able to tell amanda is the centre focus. I made this picture duotone, firstly i had to make it grayscale.

Leading Lines September, 27nd

For my leading lines picture I adjusted my levels and also the contrast. I used the dodge tool to highlight my leading lines. The door is my center focus. only because almost all the lines in this picture lead up to it. I used the burn tool to slightly darken everything else. I used duotone to tint this picture.

Layers September, 27nd

For this picture I changed the levels from darker to lighter or lighter to darker. I sharpened  this picture to make certain things stand out more and to make it less blured. The dodge-burn tool really helped make the trees stand out in this picture. It also made the mountain in the far distance more noticeable.